2013癸巳年第四屆全球算命師比賽,今屆比賽 有幸邀請著名玄學術數師傅,吳佩孚師傅出命例題目.另一命例題目,感謝首屆冠軍與及第三屆亞軍得主,顧臻明師傅放棄參與比賽資格,而為大會提供比賽題目. 更要多謝德高望重的,鼎大術數圖書公司(培哥),對比賽的一路支持.而今屆比賽,會增加一條命例,以作未來比賽的一個試點.以一些過去信息,來推算命主的 出生時辰.增加不同形式的比賽思維,感謝Goran師傅提供命例.
請大家把表格, 於2013年6月15日前寄回
2013 The 4th Global Fortune Teller Contest, we are honored to invite the famous Master Pui Fu Ng to provide a question for the contest. Thanks to the winner of the 1st contest and the runner-up of the 3rd contest, Master Jun Ming Ku, who sacrificed his qualifications in participating the contest in order to provide us a question. We would like to thank the respected Ting Tai Book Shop(Master Pui), who has been supporting the game all the way. This year, we will add one more question as a pilot for the next contest. This question is about determining the birth time based on some given information. Thanks to Master Goran who provided the extra question.
As we have different masters to provide the questions, the style of each question would be different, this could increase the number of fortune tellers who are specialized in different types of fortune telling methods, who have different ways of thinking, to participate in this year’s contest.
The contest starts from 1 May 2013 to 15 June 2013.
Please fill in the form and send it to the e-mail below by 15 June 2013.
This year, all participants can participate the contest as an individual or as a team, however, participants who participated as a team cannot participate as an individual. Therefore, each fortune teller can only choose to participate as an individual or as a team.Those who participated as both individual and as a team will be disqualified.
2013 The 4th Global Fortune Teller Contest
Question provider: Famous fortune telling master:
Master Pui Fu Ng
乾命: 西元1968年生男命4月10日戌時
Male: 10 April 1968 between 19:00 – 20:59
Birth Place: Hong Kong
Question 1: What is his family background?
A孤兒 (Orphan)
B父母齊全大富之家 (Wealthy family with both parents)
C父母離異大富之家 (Wealthy family with separated parents)
D父母離異家境很差 (Poor family with separated parents)
Question 2: What is his educational background?
A初中畢業 (Finished Year 9)
B中學畢業 (Finished Year 11)
C大學畢業 (Undergraduate)
D博士學位 (Doctoral degree)
Question 3: What is his career?
A地質學家 (Geologist)
B財經專家 (Financial expert)
C汽車經紀 (Car sales)
D地產經紀 (Real estate agent)
Question 4: What is his marriage like?
(Single, likes visiting prostitutes, has many girlfriends)
(Married, his wife is a professional/politician)
(Married, his wife is a prostitute with lower social status)
(Divorced twice)
Question 5: He has a long term illness,what kind of disease has he got?
A嚴重灰甲 (Serious Onychomycosis)
B嚴重皮膚病 (Serious skin problem)
C情緒病 (Emotional disorder)
D胃潰瘍 (Gastric Ulcer)
Question provider: Ting Tai Book Company:Master Pui
坤命: 西元1972年11月6日19:15 戌時
Female: 6 Nov 1972, 19:15
Birth Place: Hong Kong
問題6 ,命主2012年的事業情況如何?
Question 6: What is the career/ life of this lady in 2012?
A, 上班一族 (Office work)
B, 自己做生意 (Had her own business)
C, 家庭主婦 (Housewife)
D, 電台DJ (Radio DJ)
問題7, 婚姻情況?
Question 7: What is her marital status?
A, 單身未婚,盛女 (Single)
B, 已婚,有子女,婚姻美滿 (Happily married with kids)
C, 夫亡 (Her husband died)
D, 被有婦之夫包養之情人 (A lover of a married man)
問題8, 命主學歷情況?
Question 8: What is her educational background?
A, 中三 初中畢業(Form 3, equivalent to Year 9)
B, 中七 預科畢業(Form 7, equivalent to Year 13)
C, 大學以上 (University degree or higher)
D, 因病而不能上學而只得小學 (Unable to attend school due to illness, primary school only)
問題9, 2011辛卯年發生何事?
Question 9: What happened in 2011?
A, 炒賣樓房得財 (Earned money from property speculation)
B, 交通意外受傷 (Got injured from traffic accident)
C, 得到房屋處分配公屋
(Obtained public housing from the Housing Department)
D, 打劫破財受傷 (Got robbed, lost money & got injured)
問題10, 1999己卯年工作情況?
Question 10: What is her career in 1999?
A, 轉工升職加薪 (Changed job, got promoted & pay rise)
B, 被公司開除 (Got fired)
C, 盜用公司財物而引起官非
(Involved in a lawsuit as she stole valuables from her company)
D, 辭職到外地進修
(Resigned and went overseas for advanced studies)
Question provider: 1st Fortune Telling Competition’s Champion & 3rd Competition’s Runner-up
男命 西曆1972年1月15日 00:30AM 香港出生
Male: 15 Jan 1972 00:30AM
Birth Place: Hong Kong
問題11 命主在2012年工作方面情況?
Question 11: What is his career in 2012?
A 無業,無收入。 (Jobless, no income)
B 受薪工作,年薪在$300000以下
(employee, annual salary under $300000)
C 受薪工作,年薪在$1000000以上
(employee, annual salary above $1000000)
D 自僱經營店舖,收入不穩定
(Shop owner, unstable income)
問題12 在2001年,命主發生了何事?
Question 12: What happened to him in 2001?
A 中六合彩二獎 (Won a second prize in the lottery)
B 和拍拖十年的女友分手
(Broke up with his girlfriend of 10 years)
C 被劫受傷入院
(Got robbed and injured, admitted to hospital)
D 居住大廈發生三級大火
(No.3 alarm fire broke out at the building he was living in)
問題13 以下那個答案最接近命主中學時期的狀況?
Question 13: Which of the following answers match with his secondary school life most?
A 學業成績名列前茅
(Academic performance was among the best)
B 無心向學,結交壞朋友
(Unmotivated at school, met some bad friends)
C 成績中等,有做義工習慣
(Academic performance was average, had a habit of doing volunteer work)
D 中途輟學,賺錢幫補家計
(Quits chool, worked for money to help his family)
問題14 命主13歲前所發生的嚴重事故?
Question 14: What happened to him before 13years old?
A 父親過身 (Father passed away)
B 妹妹過身 (Sister passed away)
C 意外導致右眼失明
(Right eye became blind due to accident)
D 意外導致右腳折斷 (Right leg broken due to accident)
問題15 命主的性格特質?
Question 15: What is his character like?
A 口齒伶俐,平易近人,克勤克儉
(Articulate,approachable, diligent and frugal)
B 不擅言辭,容易開罪人,揮霍無節制
(Inarticulate, always offend others, squandering)
C 口齒伶俐,平易近人,揮霍無節制
(Articulate,approachable, squandering)
D 不擅言辭,容易開罪人,克勤克儉
(Inarticulate, always offend others, diligent and frugal)
問題提供: Goran傅梓量師傅
Question provider: Master Goran Fu
出生日期: 西元1970年8月14日
性別: 女
出生地: 香港
Female: 14 Aug 1970 Birth Place: Hong Kong
問題16: Question 16:
Which of the following time period was she born at?
A. 01:00—03:00丑時
B. 03:00—05:00寅時
C. 15:00—17:00申時
D. 19:00—21:00戌時
General life descriptions:
1,大學畢業 (Graduated from University)
2,父母健在 (Parents are still alive)
3,現時職業為活動主任、文職工作一類 (Present occupation: Event planner, office work)
發生事項 (Life events)
4,西曆1972壬子年2歲時得氣管炎 (Got Trachitis in 1972 when she was 2years old)
5,西元1997年11月8日註冊 ,至12月6日結婚擺酒 (Registered her marriage on 8 Nov 1997, had her wedding party on 6 Dec 1997)
6,西元2002年7月生產一女嬰 (Gave birth to a baby daughter in July 2002)
7,西元2002年12月坐飛機到台灣,跟丈夫在當地生活到西元2004年1 月才回香港工作,生活.(在2003整整一年,都沒有工作),只是間中幾次回香港處理一些雜務而已. (Went to Taiwan in Dec 2002 with her husband and lived there, returned to Hong Kong in Jan 2004. She didn’t work for a whole year in 2003, only flew back to Hong Kong a few times in between)
8,西元2007年4月辰月完成辦理離婚手續 (Divorced in April 2007)
9,西元2012年3月受公司高層公開表揚讚賞其工作表現(但沒有升職及加人工)。(Her work performance was appreciated and publicly recognized by her seniors, however, she didn’t get promoted or payrise)
10, 西元2008年1 月份,舊公司執笠,西元2008及2009年此兩年間,失業、工作,失業,工作.常找不到工作、找到亦做不長久、公司常常遲發薪金。此兩年另命主的生活節奏出現不良的影響. (In Jan 2008, the company she worked at has closed down, during 2008 and 2009, she was unemployed sometimes, worked for a while then became unemployed again, it was quite hard to find a job at that time, even if she found a job, it didn’t last long, the company always delayed her salary. These 2 years had an adverse effect on her life)
問題提供: 奇門Goran-傅梓量師傅
Question provider: Master Goran Fu
出生日期: 西元1970年8月14日
性別: 女
出生地: 香港
Female: 14 Aug 1970 Birth Place: Hong Kong
問題16: Question 16:
Which of the following time period was sheborn at?